The Hearst Castle is located on a coastal mountain high above the San Simeon area in California. Several different tours are available. A bus ride along a windy road from the Visitor center takes guests to the Castle grounds. Each tour covers a different part of the grounds. Be prepared to climb a lot of steps.
Below are a few pictures taken on a tour under overcast skies.
The Neptune Pool.
Grand entrance.
Columns at the Neptune Pool.
Column and ceiling detail.
Neptune Pool.
Click to enlarge.
Neptune pool from above.
Click to enlarge.
Ornate decorations on one of the guest "cottages".
Guest "cottage" entrance.
One of the guest bathrooms.
A guest bedroom.
Another guest bedroom.
Guest "cottage" door.
Statues in a water feature - main castle building in the background.
Entrance to the main building.
Inside that entrance.
Dining room. This must have been the inspiration for a mile-long table portrayed in Looney Toons.
Servants resting "seats" in dining room.
Dining room ceiling.
Ceiling detail (contrast stretched).
Ceiling detail in billiards room.
Projection room.
Indoor pool.
Panorama of the ranch seen from the Visitor Center. Castle is roughly in the middle.
Click to enlarge.
Closer shot of the castle from the Visitor Center.
Click to enlarge.
Gershon's Blog_ 2024_3_22_ לבנין משויש
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