While the Pacific Northwest was drowning in the river runoff from a deluge of warm rain and the resulting snow melt, Southern California was undergoing Chapter 2 of its fall fire season. They sure could have used some of that rain.
Fire swept through here, burning this tree and everything around it.
A wider view.
Remains of a motorcycle that was parked outside a gated mobile home park.
Peering over the wall at what's left of the mobile home park.
Click to enlarge.
A closer view.
Click to enlarge.
Gershon's Blog_ 2024_3_22_ לבנין משויש
לבנין משויש
בפארק האלה בצמוד לחצר של משפחת שטיינברגר
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בהסתכלות מקרוב על ענפי הצלף גלמים מהם מגיחים פרפרים
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6 months ago