Gershon's Blog_ 2024_3_22_ לבנין משויש
לבנין משויש
בפארק האלה בצמוד לחצר של משפחת שטיינברגר
בין צמחי הצלף מתעופף ענן של פרפרים
בהסתכלות מקרוב על ענפי הצלף גלמים מהם מגיחים פרפרים
הזכרים מתע...
7 months ago
A unique perspective, indeed.
Lovely. I imagine expensive restaurant desserts looking like this.
Great capture.
This is an amazing shot. This is definately the top of your Mt. Rainier collection with amazing tones and composition.
Judging from what I saw on the E-510s sample images, these are not really modified except for contrast i assume.
Thanks for the comments, guys.
Solo: Gives new meaning to the phrase "from the mountains to the dessert", huh? ;)
はいチーズ: You're correct about the lack of significant modification. As you know, shooting through airplane windows and lots of atmosphere does narrow the dynamic range considerably and tends to blue-shift, necessitating a contrast stretch and chromatic adjustment, but that's the extent of it.
This is utterly amazing. I like your answer to Solo's comment!
A great collection of pictures in your photo blog.
This is my favorite photo. I love your blog. I feel like I'm on vacation just from looking at your photos.
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