A late spring visit to the Coulees area of Central Washington State including the Grand Coulee Dam.
This area is known as the Dry Falls.
A small waterfall by the roadside.
Walking up to that waterfall, interesting flowers adorn the trail.
A tranquil pool fed by the waterfall.
Ahhhh! The spray below the waterfall is very refreshing.
Fishing is a popular recreational activity in the large lakes in this beautiful area.
Steamboat Rock.
Grand Coulee Dam is a huge hydroelectric power source providing much of the electricity used in Washington State.
Click for Gigapan
In the golden light of early evening, the already colorful bluffs take on spectacular hues.
Different soils and light angles produce different colorations.
Passing clouds mellow the light.
Even in the partially subdued light, the colors dominate the scene.
As the sun drops below the cliffs across the valley, shadow slowly rises on the slope.
Gershon's Blog_ 2024_3_22_ לבנין משויש
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7 months ago